مقاله SPE 71331
Well Planning Quality Improved Using Cooperation between Drilling and Geosciences
مقاله SPE 71331
Estimation of the mean lifetime and reliability of sophisticated systems such as cogeneration power plant (CHP) is a challenging problem in energy-engineering applications. A simulation model that predicts failure and repair times is described and used to calculate operating time availability and costs to operate the system. The new concept of estimated repair time with a Weibull probability density function is the key to the study of the down time. This probability distribution was defined for each component to estimate the time necessary to repair and the associated costs in economic and sustainability terms. The described simulation model provides a tool that demonstrates the competitive advantage or disadvantage of the CHP system for an application and enables more informed decisions as to their designs.
Why is IMRT so dramatically different
Overview of Report
Optimized Treatment Planning for IMRT
Target volumes in Radiation Oncology:ICRU 50 and 62
Normal tissues in Radiation Oncology
Absorbed dose in Radiation Oncology:ICRU 50 and 62
ICRU Reference Point Not A “Typical Point” for IMRT
ICRU report on 3D-CRT and IMRT
, ...
IEC/TR 61838 Edition 2.0 2009-12, Nuclear power plants – Instrumentation and control important to safety – Use of probabilistic safety assessment for the classification of functions
Regulatory nuclear pathways feeding into the transcription of cancer-relevant
molecules have emerged as the next frontier in pathway-centered cancer therapeutics.
The signifi cance of nuclear signaling in cancer is also evident by the convergence of
a large number of signal transduction pathways continuously sensing extracellular
milieu. The cumulative outcome of deregulated cytoplasmic and nuclear signaling
is to provide a favorable environment for a cancer cell to survive by overriding death
signals, to sustain an excessive hyper-mitogenic activity, to feed into deregulated
cell cycle progression, and to support a defective segregation of genetic material
during mitosis leading to genomic instability, to name a few essential hallmarks of
cancer progression. Among other processes, chromatin remodeling and epigenetic
modifi cations are two important nuclear regulatory arms of transcription that have
offered a battery of exciting therapeutic opportunities in terms of specifi city by
focusing on specifi c modifi cation or modifi cations of histone or nonhistone pro-
teins, domain-targeting, enzymatic activities such as histone deacetylases, histone
acetyltransferases, histone demethylases, or splicing factors – as all of these activi-
ties are widely deregulated in multiple human cancers. A large body of work during
the last decade has demonstrated that these are targetable areas of translational can-
cer medicine, and therefore, a large number of small molecules or agents targeting
these biological processes are rapidly moving through the preclinical development
pipeline to clinical studies.