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Growth failure, or failure to thrive (FTT), is a descriptive term and not a specific diagnosis. This term is widely used to describe inadequate growth in early childhood. However, no consensus has been reached concerning the specific anthropometrical criteria to define this description. Although definitions vary, most authors use this term only when growth has been noted to be low or to have decreased over time. For instance, some authors define failure to thrive as height or weight less than the third to fifth percentiles for age on more than one occasion. Other authors cite height or weight measurements falling 2 major percentile lines using the standard growth charts of the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS). Still others state that true malnutrition (weight <80% of ideal body weight for age) should be present to state a child is failing to thrive.
All authorities agree that only by comparing height and weight on a growth chart over time can failure to thrive be accurately assessed. Although measurements of head circumference are important in the evaluation of infants and toddlers, failure of the head to grow by itself is not part of the failure to thrive entity.1 Normal growth and growth charts of term and premature infants, as well as the etiology, evaluation, management, and outcome of failure to thrive are discussed in this article.
Normal growth in term infants...
نوع فایل : Word
تعداد صفحه : 7
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دانلود مقاله انگلیسی failure to thrive (FTT)