390 صفحه pdf مشتمل بر 16 فصل و 3 ضمیمه
Metal Fatigue: Effects of Small Defects and Nonmetallic Inclusions
Yukitaka Murakami
سرفصلهای این کتاب
Mechanism of Fatigue in the Absence of Defects and Inclusions
Stress Concentration
Notch Effect and Size Effect
Effect of Size and Geometry of Small Defects on the Fatigue Limit
Effect of Hardness Hv on Fatigue Limits of Materials Containing Defects and Fatigue Limit Prediction Equations
Effects of Nonmetallic Inclusions on Fatigue Strength
Bearing Steels
Spring Steels
Tool Steels: Effect of Carbides
Effects of Shape and Size of Artificially Introduced Alumina Particles on 1.5Ni-Cr-Mo (En24) Steel
Nodular Cast Iron
Influence of Si-Phase on Fatigue Properties of Aluminium Alloys
Ti Alloys
Torsional Fatigue
The Mechanism of Fatigue Failure of Steels in the Ultralong Life Regime of N > 10^7 Cycles
Effect of Surface Roughness on Fatigue Strength
Appendix A . Instructions for a New Method of Inclusion Rating and Correlations with the Fatigue Limit
Appendix B . Database of Statistics of Extreme Values of Inclusion Size
Appendix C . Probability Sheets of Statistics of Extremes
Metal Fatigue: Effects of Small Defects and Nonmetallic Inclusions