جالب است بدانید که بیش از ۹۰ درصد سوالات آزمون EPT بهمن ماه با مطالب کتاب Fast Grammar و درک مطلب جامع آزمونهای زبان Fast Reading مطابقت دارد و شما میتوانید با مطالعه این منابع موفقیت خود را در این آزمون تضمین کنید. برای اثبات این موضوع، تمامی پاسخهای تشریحی به صفحات کتابهای Fast Grammar و Fast Reading ارجاع داده شدهاند.
بخش اول: واژگان
Lake Baikal is the world’s largest freshwater lake and home to hundreds of .................. species
۱. گزینۀ ۲ «دریاچۀ بایکال بزرگترین دریاچۀ آب شیرین جهان و منزلگاه صدها گونۀ منحصربهفرد است.»
۱) کافی، به اندازۀ لازم
۲) منحصربهفرد، بینظیر؛ یگانه
۳) شکاک، مردد؛ شکبرانگیز
۴) منسجم، دارای ارتباط منطقی
بخش دوم: گرامر و ساختار جملات
۱) کافی، به اندازۀ لازم
۲) منحصربهفرد، بینظیر؛ یگانه
۳) شکاک، مردد؛ شکبرانگیز
۴) منسجم، دارای ارتباط منطقی
بخش دوم: گرامر و ساختار جملات
She opened the box with knife.
We went to the theater with our friends.
She wore a hat with a flower on it.
He discussed the idea with his boss.
She opened the box with knife.
We went to the theater with our friends.
She wore a hat with a flower on it.
He discussed the idea with his boss.
You still want to meet with him, don’t you?
There aren’t many guests here yet, are there?
He’s meeting me at 10 a.m., could he?
We didn’t receive many calls this month, did we?
You still want to meet with him, don’t you?
There aren’t many guests here yet, are there?
He’s meeting me at 10 a.m., could he?
We didn’t receive many calls this month, did we?
٦١. گزینۀ ١ قبل از اسامی قابلشمارش مفرد بایستی حتماً از یکی از حروف تعریف یا یک پیشرو اسمی مانند صفات ملکی، یا every و each استفاده شود. در نتیجه، گزینۀ ١ نادرست است. برای اصلاح آن، بایستی قبل از knife از a استفاده شود (توضیحات بیشتر در بخش ٢ کتاب Fast Grammar).
٦٢. گزینۀ ٣ ضمایم پرسشی از دو کلمه تشکیل میشوند: یک فعل کمکی و یک ضمیر فاعلی. دقت کنید که در این سؤالات، فعل کمکی متناسب با زمان جمله یا فعل وجهی/ کمکی جملۀ اصلی انتخاب شده و قبل از ضمیر فاعلی متناسب با فاعل جملۀ اصلی قرار میگیرد. توجه کنید که فعل کمکی ضمیمۀ پرسشی از نظر مثبت یا منفی بودن با فعل جملۀ اصلی رابطه عکس دارد. در گزینۀ ٣ از ضمیمه پرسشی مناسبی استفاده نشده است؛ زیرا فعل کمکی جملۀ اصلی، is است ولی در ضمیمۀ پرسشی از فعل وجهی could استفاده شده است. بجای could بایستی از isn’t استفاده شود.
بخش سوم: درک مطلب
بخش سوم: درک مطلب
Passage 1
No one knew what caused the often-deadly yellow fever, but it occurred in epidemic proportions, with one person after another in a given area becoming sick. People feared the mysterious disease, until U.S. Army physician James Carroll endangered his own health in the name of science. On August 27, 1900, Carroll allowed an infected mosquito to feed on him. He developed a severe case of yellow fever but helped his colleague, Walter Reed, prove that mosquitoes transmitted the feared disease.
Prior to this experiment, epidemics of yellow fever were common in the American South. Not knowing how the disease was transmitted, many people would leave the South for the summer, when epidemics were most common. In an 1888 yellow fever epidemic in Jacksonville, Florida, terrified citizens packed themselves onto trains leaving town. Some were so panicked; they left fires burning and the doors of their houses wide open. The Mayflower Hotel, where the epidemic started, was condemned and ordered burned to the ground.
With doctors at a loss as to how to stop the spread of yellow fever, people tried all sorts of strange remedies. They burned barrels of tar in the street to disinfect the air. They sprayed sulfur and lime mixtures into homes of the infected. Assuming the disease was contagious, they isolated the sick. After Doctors Reed and Carroll’s discovery, effective ways were found to combat mosquitoes and the disease they transmitted.
66. What does the passage mainly discuss?
1) How James Carroll and Walter Reed cured people afflicted with yellow fever
2) Why terrified citizens of Jacksonville left their hometown at the end of century
3) What the epidemics of yellow fever were like and how its cause was discovered
4) Why the Mayflower Hotel was set on fire and destroyed
Prior to this experiment, epidemics of yellow fever were common in the American South. Not knowing how the disease was transmitted, many people would leave the South for the summer, when epidemics were most common. In an 1888 yellow fever epidemic in Jacksonville, Florida, terrified citizens packed themselves onto trains leaving town. Some were so panicked; they left fires burning and the doors of their houses wide open. The Mayflower Hotel, where the epidemic started, was condemned and ordered burned to the ground.
With doctors at a loss as to how to stop the spread of yellow fever, people tried all sorts of strange remedies. They burned barrels of tar in the street to disinfect the air. They sprayed sulfur and lime mixtures into homes of the infected. Assuming the disease was contagious, they isolated the sick. After Doctors Reed and Carroll’s discovery, effective ways were found to combat mosquitoes and the disease they transmitted.
66. What does the passage mainly discuss?
1) How James Carroll and Walter Reed cured people afflicted with yellow fever
2) Why terrified citizens of Jacksonville left their hometown at the end of century
3) What the epidemics of yellow fever were like and how its cause was discovered
4) Why the Mayflower Hotel was set on fire and destroyed
٦٦. گزینۀ ٣ این تست در مورد موضوع اصلی متن است. برای پاسخ به چنین سؤالاتی بایستی از طریق مطالعۀ جملات اول همۀ پاراگرافها و استفاده از روش skimming موضوع اصلی متن را پیدا کنیم. با توجه به اینکه متن عمدتاً در مورد بیماری «تب زرد» و چگونگی شناسایی عامل آن است، بهترین پاسخ گزینۀ ٣ است. در متن به درمان بیماران توسط جیمز کارول و والتر رید اشاره نشده است؛ پس، گزینۀ ١ نادرست است. گزینههای ٢ و ٤ از جزئیات متن هستند، نه ایدۀ اصلی آن. (توضیحات بیشتر در بخشهای ١ و ٢ کتاب Fast Reading).
پاسخ تشریحی آزمون EPT بهمن ۹۵